پرش لینک ها
  • Phone: +98414177
  • Email: info@tabriztile.com
  • Address: Tabriztile Industrial Group Factory , Kashi Tabriz St , 24 km of Tehran Road , Tabriz , Iran
Tabriz Tile Group

Tabriz Tile Industrial Group has been constructed in 24 km of Tabriz city in the northwest of Iran .Currently, the company is operating with an annual capacity of 3 million square meters of wall tiles and 5 million square meters of floor tiles.

Designed by TabrizTileGroup’s IT Department

tabriz tile group

Tabriz Tile Industrial Group has been constructed in 24 km of Tabriz city in the northwest of Iran .Currently, the company is operating with an annual capacity of 3 million square meters of wall tiles and 5 million square meters of floor tiles.